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Schaeffler FAG Foundation honors schools

13 Nov,2020


Four high schools and one elementary school were awarded
Awards for the developers and engineers of tomorrow
Foundation has been giving the award for scholastic support for 20 years

Arousing enthusiasm for MINT subjects, promoting the engineers and developers of tomorrow and making them want to try something new: For this achievement, the Schaeffler FAG Foundation has awarded five schools the Innovation Award 2019 for educational support. The prize was awarded in the categories “Gymnasien and Realschulen” and “Grundschulen”.

Schaeffler FAG Foundation as a motor for knowledge transfer

“The foundation is the engine for knowledge, knowledge transfer and the development of potential. It is an expression of corporate and social responsibility, ”explained Andreas Hamann, Head of Human Resources Europe at Schaeffler AG and Chairman of the Foundation Board of the Schaeffler FAG Foundation. Since it was established in 1983, the foundation has distributed more than one million euros in funding. 20 years ago, in addition to university and science funding, “school funding” was launched. The foundation honors scientific and technical projects in schools.

The winners

The first prize of 2,000 euros this year went to the Armin-Knab-Gymnasium in Kitzingen for the organization and implementation of the “Night of Metals”. At the evening event, schoolchildren presented topics relating to natural sciences, technology and foundries in close coordination with external experts. The aim was to show fascinating facets of research on the subject of "metal" and to present them in a generally understandable way.

The second prize of 1,000 euros went to the Regiomontanus Gymnasium in Ha?furt. The school received an award for the project “Development of a three-dimensional image”. Based on the theory of the plasma and LCD principle, the students designed and built a grid-like grid on which they arranged light-emitting diodes in several levels. The precise control of the diodes creates an expansive, three-dimensional image.

The third prize, endowed with 750 euros each, is shared this year by the Rh?n-Gymnasium in Bad Neustadt and the Gymnasium H?chstadt an der Aisch. The high school in Bad Neustadt received the award for the project "Physics and Computer Science - Use of Micro-Controllers and Sensors to Analyze Linear Movements". Among other things, students programmed the parking aid of a car in order to analyze linear movements.

In H?chstadt an der Aisch, students developed an automated heating control for a local tennis hall. The efficient preheating of the hall according to the booking plan is intended to sustainably reduce energy consumption.

Excellent elementary school

In the “Primary Schools” category, the prize of 1,000 euros went to the Dr. Pfeiffer Primary School in Schweinfurt. The school was honored for its commitment to getting students excited about technology and science. For example, at the school festival last year, the topics of wind power (fluid mechanics), mechanics (pulley system) and electricity (circuit) were brought closer to them.

“Getting children and young people interested in technology and research at an early age is crucial in order to sustainably strengthen the innovative strength of the economy. The outstanding work of the award-winning schools is essential for this, ”explained Andreas Hamann.

Due to the corona crisis, the planned celebrations had to be dispensed with this year.